
Spark! Was Created For YOU

You are a powerful creator and you know it.

You’ve touched the center of your being — you’ve been transformed by the experience.

You know what it feels like to be FREE.

There’s no going back now.

But I know the question you’re asking …

How do I hold on to this experience as I enter back into my ordinary life?

I hear you and I totally understand. I’ve asked myself that question many times before.

I’ve been actively engaged in personal transformation for over 14 years and I’ve come to appreciate that each time I walk away from a life-altering experience, the real work is just beginning.

The key to sustainable change is integration.

You must find ways to bring your newly created possibilities into reality. That always requires making shifts in your environment, a handful of tough conversations, stretching out of your comfort zone and building new muscles.

I designed Spark! specifically to support you in that process.

I’ve lived the integration phase over and over again myself and I’ve walked hundreds of people through it.

I know what it takes to nurture a seed of possibility into its fullest expression.

Spark! Group Coaching Program

March 3rd - August 17th, 2021

Live Your Most Creative, Fulfilling, Self-Expressed Life

With Spark!, you’ll expand your capacity to move beyond the noise in your head and straight in to the center of your heart. You’ll apply all the tools you acquired on retreat to every area of your life. And you’ll do it all alongside a powerful community of brave women dedicated to letting their wild hearts light the way.

In Spark! You will …

  • Establish regular, personalized practices that fit into your lifestyle and support your deepest desires.

  • Gain mastery at using the Emotional Guidance Scale to get into alignment and feel good.

  • Create boundaries and learn to manage your energy, not your time.

  • Practice answering with wholehearted yeses and no’s and say goodbye to resentment.

  • Begin prioritizing and nurturing a loving, compassionate relationship with yourself.

  • Inventory the unfinished business in your relationships and allow for completion.

  • Distinguish the places you are hiding so you can choose to come out (or not).

  • Identify the pretenses that keep you stuck in self-sabotaging behaviors. Find Freedom.

  • Evaluate your surroundings (both at work and at home) with a discerning eye and make room for joy.

  • Establish systems and structures to support the kind of lifestyle you truly desire with ease.

  • Get clear about what lights you up and begin trimming away anything that doesn’t.

  • Invite in creativity and play to deepen your intuition and your receptiveness to Spirit.


Spark! Program Features


Spark! Includes:

  • 3-Day LIVE Transformational Retreat Experience.

  • 8 Speak Your Truth, Group Coaching Calls

  • 4 Personal Mastery, 1:1 Calls with Ashlie

  • Weekly True-Up Your Life Activities & Alignments

  • 4 Tune-In Circles, Exclusive Group Meditations

  • 1 Virtual Retreat Experience

  • On-the-Spot Coaching Available to You via Text Message

A Single Spark! Can Start a Blazing Fire

  • Experience the freedom to be yourself.

  • Harness the power of your focused attention to create unprecedented results in the areas that are most meaningful to you.

  • Increase your capacity to receive on all levels.

  • Make more money doing what you love!

  • Believe in yourself and your ability to bring new possibilities to life.

  • Discern between the noise in your head and the wisdom of your heart.

  • Make choices that deeply resonate and feel true for you.

  • Create intimate and meaningful relationships that offer love, connection, and joy.

  • Stop spinning your wheels trying to figure it out and get busy fulfilling your purpose.

  • Tell the truth about what YOU want and take bold action to make it happen!

  • Design a life that allows for your fullest, most authentic self-expression in every aspect.

  • Drop the people-pleasing and release yourself from relationships and situations that drain you of energy.

  • Make your own rules! Do more of what makes your soul come alive.

  • Stop waiting for someday! Pursue your interests with enthusiasm and passion.


Wild One,

There is a life that wants to be lived through you — a purpose you are meant to fulfill.

It would be my honor to walk beside you as you expand into that purpose with joy, grace and ease.

If your heart is saying yes, I invite you to join me for the next chapter in this great adventure!

From my wildheart to yours,

Have questions you need answered or want support in exploring whether Spark! is a fit for you? Grab a spot on my calendar here and let’s chat.

What People Are Saying

Ashlie this opportunity to take this came at a time when I was sincerely overbooked. I did it anyway and I’m glad I did. I’m also glad that I have all of the material so that I can continue to work the process. The whole program was more than I expected. Thank you!
Quieting the ‘noise’ present in my head and being patiently present to what is within me brings me to a place of acceptance and peace.
When you say “connect to your heart”, “follow your dreams” those are too big of moves if you don’t know how to do that or if life has caused you to forget it. I liked the way Ashlie broke it down into steps and systematized the process. My greatest take away is to do the steps and trust the process instead of analyzing how to get to the outcome I want. It really is getting my head out of the way and letting my heart lead.
I love you, Ashlie! You are an amazing life coach. I am so glad I can continue to listen to the recordings whenever I need to. Sometimes things resonate with me differently one season than another. You’ve been great and I appreciate your insight and love for life.
I have a lot of fears to face, but I am a lot more self-confident than I thought!
Your presence and acceptance of your emotion, the outward expression in tears, was transformational for me. When I am sharing I’m often moved emotionally, to tears, and wonder when am I going to be able to hold that in. You’ve helped me see I don’t have to.