Maui Moments

What if you could be 10% more satisfied in your life?

I just returned home from a fabulous vacation to Maui with one of my dearest friends. I wanted to share a few takeaways!

One of my personal intentions for the week was to practice being deeply satisfied -- to allow myself to experience the fullness and perfection of the moment -- regardless of what was happening.

Setting such an intention means being willing to see where I'm NOT satisfied and the various ways I rob myself of life's fullness Usually with ideals, expectations, assumptions or judgments of how it "should" be.

Any moment of dissatisfaction (heavy winds, overpriced food, inconsiderate people, traffic accident) became an opportunity to choose.

And every choice to be deeply satisfied (in spite of circumstances not because of them) strengthened my muscle It's the only workout I did all week!

There are so many reasons my heart returned home full to the brim...

Time with my friendTiffany tops the list!
The delight of watching magnificent whales jump and breach right off the shoreline
Beautiful, bright colors in every direction you turn
Breathtaking sunsets that never get old
A chance to pause all responsibilities long enough to reflect and gain a new perspective

I AM deeply satisfied


Notice what gets in your way of experiencing deep satisfaction. Then ask yourself, "am I willing to let go of this so I can experience more beauty and joy?"

Maybe it's as simple as choosing to be satisfied in any given moment. I invite you to give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Ashlie Woods